
django-roughpages have several distincitive features to help you to make static pages. You should follow at least the “Quick tutorial” section to get the image of django-roughpages.

Quick tutorial

If you have not installed django-roughpages yet, you can install it via pip (Mac OS X / Linux) or easy_install (Windows) with:

> pip install django-roughpages
> easy_install django-roughpages

Ok. Now make a tutorial project with the following command. If you don’t have django-admin.py, make sure that you have a latest django in your system:

> django-admin.py startproject roughpagestut

The command above will create the following files and directories:

├── manage.py
└── roughpagestut
     ├── __init__.py
     ├── settings.py
     ├── urls.py
     └── wsgi.py

Then open roughpagestut/roughpagestut/settings.py and edit the settings. Refer the sample settings below (# ... indicate the cut out).

# Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...)
import os
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))

    # ... lot more
# ...
    # ... lot more

    # roughpages/templates
    os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates'),

Ok now, run syncdb and server with the following commands:

> python manage.py syncdb
> python manage.py runserver 8000

When you access http://localhost:8000/, you will see “It worked!” page. Confirm that accessing http://localhost:8000/info/ lead you to 404 Not found.

Ofcourse, we have not make any views yet thus there are no other pages exists. Now let’s make a static page by django-roughpages. Create info.html file in templates/roughpages directory. The final directory tree would be same as the below:

├── manage.py
├── roughpagestut
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── settings.py
│   ├── urls.py
│   └── wsgi.py
└── templates
    └── roughpages
        └── info.html

Then open info.html and edit the file as followed

    <p>Hello Rough!</p>

Now if you access the http://localhost:8000/info/, you will see “Hello Rough!” page. So django-roughpages automatically detect the corresponding template files (in this case, info.html) from the accessed URL. If there is a corresponding template files in the template directory, django-roughpages simply render the template and respond it. Otherwise it re-raise the Http404 exceptions for other middlewares such as django’s flatpages app.

Complex template file finding

django-roughpages use a backend to determine the filename from the accessed url; the default backend is roughpages.backends.AuthTemplateFilenameBackend and the backend return two template filenames depends on the accessed users authentication state. Assume that the user accessed http://localhost:8000/info/, if the accessed user is authenticated then the backend return roughpages/info_authenticated.html and roughpages/info.html. Then django-roughpages try to find the template files from the beginning of the list, thus the order of the appearance is important.

You can find detail informations about built-in backends at Backends.